Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho

The scent of his cigarette smoke filled her nose, the acrid smell was mildly unpleasant to her sensitive nose but she could not deny him his pleasures and addictions, this was his pack and lands after all and he could do whatever he deemed fit inside of it. She ignored its stink as much as possible, only the slightest twitching of her nose giving away that it bothered her. His words brought a warmth to her eyes and a shy grin to her muzzle. She did not move when Razekiel settled down close to her and her gaze followed his hand as he pointed to the clouds, trying to see what it was that he saw, he was more entrenched in the culture surrounding the Great Mother than she was, he was practically buried in it.

His explanation of his beliefs was similar to hers were, they were reclaimed by the mother and their bodies fueled the life around them, energy borrowed to be returned when the loan was called in. The hybrid scratched at the dirt and dust with a claw, not paying attention to what it was only realizing when she was finished what she had drawn, it was the symbol of her old pack, a circle much like the symbol of Ichika but this circle was broken by a wavy line through its horizontal edges. The circle represented the sun which they needed to survive and the wavy line was the sea which provided them with life.

An eyebrow raised as he answered her question within the question, inwardly smiling at his new nickname for her,

"In my birth pack the belief was that when we die then our souls are taken back into the Not-Life to wait until the Mother deems it suitable for us to take life again. Every souls gets several chances at life before it is finally pulled from the Not-Life and sent onwards to the Great Beyond in which there is a heaven that awaits them." There was a certain amount of pride within her voice that she always carried when talking about her birth pack, they had all died to save her, as the next generation she was extremely important along with Elsie and the other pups that had sadly not made it. She was the last of her pack, the only Denahlii left in the world; the thought chilled her right down to her bones and the female shivered slightly.

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