Ferreting around
Shawchert was very thankful for this man as he was very helpful, even ran to grab a bottle, something Shaw was clumbsy at handling with his big hands. Smiling his thanks he turned his attention on the ferret, who was in one hand, she'd stopped wiggling and was looking his way. The ferret was still slightly blind, her beady little eyes could barely be seen, but she was just starting to open them. It was good, that meant the ferret was a few weeks old. Holding the bottle in one hand and the ferret in the other he hoped the bottle would work. He had to prod at the ferret's mouth before it opened up and it took a second for the baby to get the idea that even though this wasn't its mother, nourishment came from it and soon the ferret was suckling, the goat milk got all over her face and Shaw's hand but Shaw was too happy to care.

"Thank you so much, this will help very much, I think the baby will get it quickly. Its mother died, it looked like she had been attacked, and this was her only surviving kit."

Shaw said turning his attention to Rory, smiling, glad there were so many helpful wolves in the pack.... then he forgot that he hadn't introduced himself.

"My name is Shawchert Menue, sorry. Moment caught me by surprise.

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