I'd like to buy a vowel.
OOC; Feeling REALLY lazy about tables right now... Sorry for the wait.

His lips was burning sweet amazement and pleasure through her body, making chills go down her spine. She didn't realize she wasn't breathing until he pulled back a bit to say some more things. "I like doing this," she replied with a mischievous grin before leaning into him again and giving another wolfish kiss. She liked the name he'd started to use as well; it sending exciting sparks down her spine and shivers in her skin. She gently let her lips sit on his chest, finding herself so comfortable and relaxed. It was as if she had done this before; when really she was so excited to receive a first kiss that she could hardly contain it.

She pulled off from her second kiss, and studied his facial expression. The kids were off chasing each other in the game of hide-n-seek, and here he was beside her. It wasn't definitely picture perfect. For a moment she felt the flash of dreaming for the future like every other female did,(even though not all admitted it). Her long brunette curls fell gracefully around her, pausing in the mid back where her white collared shirt was loosely hanging on her to-small-for-that-size body. She also was wearing jeans and riding boots, but those actually seemed to fit the right way. Over all she felt to normal for such an opportunity to meet a wonderful, flattering irish male.

Mya gently nipped at his neck playfully, still unsure of what exactly to do other than kiss, and said, "I could get use to this." The she-wolf grinned, batting her big blue eyes up at the red and white male. She hoped he was enjoying this as much as she was.

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