Resting in the Void
Lycan wasn't yet fully asleep when he heard moving in the nearby bushes, he was still tired from his hunt, and sleep begged at him. He breathed softly, soaking in scents through his nose, trying to figure the distance of the intruder.
He moved his legs in the leaves, and an aching pain struck him, making him lie still. He was in no position to fight the intruder, so he decided words would work best. He closed his eyes; listening intently to the movements in the forest.
He heard footprints approaching, soft and continuous. He guessed by the increase in sound that the wolf was getting closer. When the footprints became louder, Lycan made a small un-noticeable gap between his eye lids and look forward at the direction of the noise.
The figure he saw was another Luperci, one in Optime form, but it seemed different. It walked on four legs, and the way it moved felt natural or second nature. For a moment Lycan was stunned by this Luperci, how it felt so comfortable in walking in such a strange way. Then he began to be confused by this creatures appearance, it had an strange red mark on one eye, at first Lycan thought it was blood, but by focusing on the mark it became clear that it was some sort of stain marked purposely around his eye. Lycan changed his focus towards the Luperci's eyes; they were a bright green, almost reminding Lycan of a peaceful summer morn.
He closed his eyes when he saw the Luperci turn his gaze towards Lycan. He waited a moment, feeling an urge to growl or threaten the Luperci to back off, but instead Lycan let out a soft growl and spoke, "Leave now, and I might pretend that I didn't see you." After the words came out of his mouth, Lycan lifted his head and tried to make himself look threatening and ready to attack at any moment. But instead the lifting of his head brought a stretching pain from his chest from the kicks given to him during his hunt. He wheezed softly and lowered his head again.
He would need a long rest before he would be fit to protect himself again. He lay on the ground, waiting for the opposing Luperci to make the next move.

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