Glass Cats On The Wall


Roped in by his call came a woman. Subtle colours shaded in her form and her voice seemed different. She was forgein like him, but from somewhere else. She didn't seem like any of the creatures he had seen near his homelands so he simply assumed that with the lupine in his area usually at the pole ends of the scale, namely either very dark or white coated, that she was a native of elsewhere lands.

He frowned softly, replying similarly, 'Hallo?' His Slavic tainted voice sounded out confidently, though nothing louder than his usual pitch. The girl was young, much younger than himself already past five now with no offspring to show of it. Hopefully Io would remedy that. He focused his mind on the rather limp conversation that he assumed was ahead of them, looking over his shoulder and then back to the girl before him, 'This is... Enferni, no?' His mind paused to search for the name, which when produced, unknown to him, he had spoke it wrong. But when he did find out it would only be a letter out and again it would become irrelevant.

He shifted his weight silently, eyeing up the skulls again taking in his potential home. That was if they would take them at least.

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