Resting in the Void
OOC text

Zalen wagged his tail at Lycan’s introduction, Well met Lycan. Now that they were on good terms and relaxed Zalen gave him a good once over; the young Luperci was fit, had a very intriguing and beautiful coat, a few scars and was very dirty. Zalen couldn’t help but smile, the kid kind of reminded him of himself at that age. Well, lucky or not, it’s still impressive in my book. Zalen said with a chuckle.

Then the mood took a slight turn, Lycan mentioned Zalen’s kindness and started to reminisce about something but then became emotional. Zalen’s ears drooped, he could nearly feel Lycan’s pain emanate from him. It was very family to Zalen, it was a feeling of loss, Zalen had felt it many times after he had lost his mother and adopted brothers. It was amazing how many of the wolves he had met had shared this feeling of loss between them, the world could be such a cruel place.

Zalen let out a sigh and returned Lycan’s smile half-heartedly, Been separated from your family huh? I know what that’s like… It was strange for Zalen to open up so quickly to a complete stranger, but this was a kindred spirit and he could sense no harm in it. Besides, if he pent up his memories and emotions any more then he might have another break down like he had last month. He’d rather avoid that embarrassment.

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