And We Watched The Stars Fall To Chaos
hai thar Big Grin

Hunger gnawed at her stomach and rumbled up her throat but she kept still and silent, the deer that she was stalking were unaware of her presence yet and she had no longing to tip them off and spoil her own hunt. But suddenly a howl cut through the air and the deer bolted into the underbrush before she had a chance to react. The secui stood from her crouched position and snorted, another hunt ruined. The woman instead turned her head towards the borders and began to dutifully make her way towards whomever it was that was calling for assistance.

Her secui form allowed for quick and effective travel and it wasn't long before she could see the other in the distance, stood just beyond the boundaries. She slowed and shifted as she loped and within a minute she was jobbing in her optime form. Jace stopped a few meters away from the young female, her stance dominant but not intimidating, her tail and ears raised, her voice was soft but held an edge to it, she could and would defend herself if necessary,

"You are at Ichika no Ho-en's borders. What is your business here?" She held herself still, unnervingly so, a snake coiled and ready to strike should a threat be found.

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