Glass Cats On The Wall

Word Count → 000

Goran nodded to himself, so this place was Inferni. Or 'Enferni as he had put it beforehand. Goran gave a breif smile before replying to the woman's question. 'Yes', he said, adding a noticable nod onto his words. He had heard brief words about this pack, or clan as it had been put to him. A heavy degree of intolerance to non-coyotes. And while Goran was neither here nor there about the different canine species, he did prefer coyotes. They had more elegance, in his eyes at least, in comparison to the large, stocky cousins. Dogs however could fall anywhere in between, though his intrest in dogs was more curiosity. 'I have have come to speak with the leaders'.

The ebony spined male shifted his weight again, he had never been one for standing still for very long. His tail flicked behind him slowly, brushing against the back of his legs, calming him somewhat. His internal impatience didn't fall through his external picture of chill. He had been given years of practice of course. He was at a loss for conversation, because this woman was obviously speaking is broken English and he knew nothing of Inferni, so he stayed silent until he needed to speak again. Though the barrier didn't reallly bother him, he himself had only learnt English two years ago.

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