And We Watched The Stars Fall To Chaos

HI Big Grin I'm to afraid to count my words. I just woke up and this is a fail post D:

samantha jarret

She looked up when she heard a voice, it was that of a female standing a few feet away. The girl noticed that her stance was rather dominant; composing herself she spoke. "I came to your borders hoping that I could join the pack. My name's Samantha Jarret. Or Sam" on her palette was a shy smile. She hadn't talked to many here. The woman who was of the name Jace was practically the only one. Sam
rolled over on her back exposing the belly that was so tender and easily vulnerable. Was she doing good? She hoped so. Now that her throat and abdomen were easily at this femina's mercy, she waited until she was told to get up. Sammi had never joined a pack, sure she was born into one but this was worlds different. This was her choice. To join this new pack and hopefully make a home here.

So here she lay. Waiting silently for the lady's go-ahead to get up. She didn't know there was so many things that were on the floor of the forest. She watched a beetle skitter by, a small insect landing on the edge of her nose. It was all very different here, since she came from the south it was strange to adapt (although she was sure she could) to the food, plants and animals. And then the fact that she was the only one of her previous pack left.



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