First Kill
OOC: its okay, silly. just as long as you don't forget about baby girl ^.^
WC: 341

Tawny watched as Jace ate, sitting up and stretching once more, cracking her joints as she moved. Yawning widely, the girl showed off her blood stained mouth to any who cared to look, and then got up and moved over to the torn up deer. The blood was making a massive puddle around their feet, causing the dirt and grass to become squishy and uncomfortable. Tawny wrinkled her nose and grabbed on to one of the legs, waiting until Jace did the same, and then leaned her body weight back against it and gave a sharp tug. There was a ripping noise and then some cracks, and then one of the legs popped off in another soft shower of red.

The little girl laughed softly and tossed the leg towards the antlers, then stared at the remaining body with a frown. Looking up at Jace again, she pointed to the knife holstered on the other female's leg. "Can Jace...cut the f-fur off?" Her little hands reached down and pressed into the hole they'd made in the leg, peeling parts of the skin away from the meat and bone, making an easy entry point for the knife to start slicing and skinning. Her hands were pulled back from the deer and she lapped at the blood and little pieces of meat stuck to her hands, a soft rumbling growl vibrating through her chest at the yummy taste.

Smiling up at Jace, she helped with peeling the skin away, pulling and tugging slowly so as to not rip it into little pieces. When they got to the stomach area, Tawny grinned at the large section that was all shredded from Jace's teeth. It would make an interesting neck piece on a cloak or wrap. When the skin was all the way removed, Tawny went back to tugging at the legs. When all of the legs were taken off, she tugged at the midsection. It wasn't super heavy anymore, and she managed to lift it up against her chest. "C...c-come on...not so h-heavy anym-more..."

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