Paint my cheeks with roses



Suddenly, the lighter girl returned to his embrace, and dark arms automatically tightened around her lesser frame. The D’Angelo smiled into hay shaded locks, closing his terrible eyes. Reunited with his best friend and sister, he felt invicible in every way he could imagine. A hand of soft onyx wandered up the girl’s spine to find stillness between her shoulder blades. It still struggled against the urge to crush her slenderer form against his. But he was no child, and knew that his love could destroy if he failed to pay attention.

When she leaned back to look at him again, she spoke such beautiful words. It wasn’t until she asked him the same question that he realized that it was in fact a foolish one. They weren’t meant to be apart, the two of them. Black arms decided to make her his captive as he leaned down to a latte and milk ear. ”More than the moon,” the young man breathed, moist silver eyes half lidded as he planted a light kiss on his sibling’s cheek. More than anything.

”Next time, we’ll go together,” he said, intending to make it a promise. Dark fingers brushed through light hair. He had missed everything about this particular sibling. Perhaps it was just as well that Wretch had fallen away from the family, for he knew he wouldn’t want to share this intimacy he and Salvia had with anyone.

Releasing her, wolfish muzzle turned to the side. ”I have something for you.” he finally revealed, eager for ways to inspire the strange and stimulating hunger in her eyes to stay.

Table by kiki

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