[m]Concious Fists
OOC: Hopefully i got the idea of your attack Smile

Shawchert had a bad taste in his mouth about this man. His words didn't help much. Shawchert wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of answering him, instead he folded his arms tight against his chest and gave the man a disgusted, unwanted look. When the man said he'd rather finish what he started Shawchert was immidiately alert, and this was good because Shawchert was able to see the attack coming and had his arm up to protect his hand, the wood spear cracking hard against his forearm, it hurt, brutally, but Shawchert didn't think. His free hand was already going for a punch at the man's face, the other one twisting the staff so that he had it under and over his arm, help firmly, trying to pry it out of the other man's hand, though the hit weakened his arm, that was pulling on it, he still had plenty of strength left, and from the looks of it Shaw had a good chunk to spare on this man. His teeth bared, he would follow through his punch with a swift leap at the man if his punch landed square.

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