spider in the ditch, she saw it all.

(562) no idea where rambly-ass post came from sryyyy

The dark woman did not immediately respond to the compliments; her chartreuse eyes did not move from the ocean, the moonlight shimmering and dancing upon the waves still. She did, however, take special note of The Associate's offer, and this was considered in her mind. Magnolia could not see Shibboleth... no, that would not do. The other children, though? They were healthy and strong, and could not yet speak of their injured sibling. Perhaps she would be lucky and they would not even remember the baby with the hole in her belly.

The hybrid turned to the other canine with a half-smile, and she nodded her head. I could use the extra help. Larkspur is good, but Pandemic and Salvia are young yet, and need me sometimes, too, she said. Your help would be appreciated, the hybrid said, speaking the truth. She did not think raising children was ever and easy task. With two older ones and a younger one with questionable longevity, she would need all the assistance and strength she could muster -- and then some.

The coyote listened in earnest to her companion, nodding silent encouragment for Maggie to speak freely. The dark woman was entirely unfamiliar with concepts such as free speech, but had she knowledge of them, she might have dashed the ideal to pieces on the rocks. Eris did not believe it was always worthwhile to let one's tongue loll freely; in many cases, silence seemed to be the more prudent option, and The Auxiliary did not always believe the proles understood when to hold the tongue and let it go free. In such cases, it was good to have control of the tongues of one's subjects.

Now, however, there was little harm in letting Maggie speak her piece. It did not guarantee the words would penetrate the leadership's decisions or mindset, certainly -- however, Eris did not wish to appear that she discounted the thoughts of her fellows. She had felt unaccounted for in Inferni, and she knew how this felt. So, even if she were not truly going to make sweeping adjustments to the style of leadership within Salsola, she would put forth an appearance of caring and listening. And who the hell knew -- perhaps she would just learn sometime.

So, she listened, and when the other canine was finished speaking, the hybrid could not disguise a small smile nor could she staunch a short laugh. My dear Maggie, you have my favor. Surely this makes you more than nobody. Denver and Jeremiah were also personally known to the she-wolf, along with Liliya -- however, it was her job to look after the pack's new recruits, too. Still, she did not trust Denver quite so much as Maggie, and she thought Jeremiah might still turn against Salsola's ideals if he should find them completely repugnant, in the end, or ended up unable to reconcile them with that wretched book of his. She had known Maggie longer than any of the three, and Larkspur liked her. That did count for something in Eris's eyes, for the man who called himself her mate was not particularly trusting. Right now you might feel like nothing, but you'll see. Stay with us and you'll become part of us, more so than you are now, the hybrid said. I promise it.

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