Glass Cats On The Wall

Word Count → 000

He spoke to the jackal hybrid again, bowing his head, 'Thank you', before turning to the new face. This woman was a leader, so with lowered ears and a still tail he turned to reguard her. She spoke to the jackayote, and Goran smiled, only briefly, anybody else would have been insulted, but it was probably true. He had never paid much attention to academic studies, he hadn't seen much point in it really. Even now it wasn't something he particularly regretted, there were more important things to learn about.

He lowered his head, 'I'm seeking membership within your clan'. She had asked bluntly, and he had put it so, but never the less with the due respect. He may have never had to join a pack this way, but he knew how to act when around pack leaders. He knew there were more questions coming up, he already knew what a few of them were, or what he expected them to be. He had witnessed many newcomer judgements within the pack he was born into to know.

Though, what did he know about this pack? There were many different kinds, with many different rules, and it was possible that the questions were different also.

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