lick it up baby, lick it up
An amused smirk graced the wan fey's face. This new woman was quite the character, even if she had rubbed the mother the wrong way. Deuce cocked her head slightly, a graceful movement, her eyes not leaving the woman for a moment. To do so was to back down, and Deuce never backed down. Not from anyone. She had the scars to prove it even.

her voice was disdainful as she spoke again, a touch of the Irish lilt entering her vocals. I don't rightly care what the folks 'round here think of me. And I don't care what you think either. I'm just here to warn you. Touch my mate or harm my pups and you are one dead woman. Her voice was steady and strong, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the woman meant what she said.

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