for all your tall tales

The lady - for she could be referred to in no other way - was graceful and debonair in movement, and Caspa warmed to her immediately. She too was not much for socialising, preferring to spend her hours alone working on her mental and dexterity skills, and perhaps some of her attraction to the stranger was a recognition of kindred spirit. Of course, Caspa had very few physical graces, and would never dress up so beautifully. "I'm Caspa Al-Fateh," she returned, a rare occasion this where she included her family name. It was a mark of respect. Then she added with a perfectly straight face, although she wasn't entirely sure that the title 'princess' was a real title - wasn't that reserved for girl-pups? - "your highness." Only one who knew her well would have seen the twinkle of play in her deep eyes. "I can both read and write, but not this script. I was taught a different alphabet." It had been presented to her as the only one, something that annoyed her a little, and would have annoyed her more if she had been the kind of wolf to have spare time to kill. Caspa had no room in her life for reading for pleasure, but she would have been excited to learn of books that might go deeper into the mystical art of meditation that she had been practicing for several months now.

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