Another day in paradise
She started to step away when Shawchert appeared beside her, dismounting their impromptu roller coaster ride as well, and apologized for himself. She sighed, “It’s just… It makes it really hard on the people who care about you when you’re always beating yourself up. I don’t want to see you unhappy. Sure, sometimes you tick me off, but who doesn’t do that to each other? I’ve been ten times as angry at Niro than I ever have been at you. It’s hard to get better if you keep doing that. Trust me, I know from experience.”

She glanced away for a moment, and then back to him. “I guess I didn’t get the joke,” she apologized in some small way. And then he promised another ride, and despite herself her ears perked up and it was obvious that she was up for it.

The light returned to her features, and her lips drew back in a grin. “Okay!” she blurted, and hopped a little. She scanned the pier, wondering which looked like the next best prospect. “Which one?”

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