I'd like to buy a vowel.
OOC; We can wrap up this thread soon and have our picnic thread after.

Thrilling shivers ran down her spine at his question. She suddenly threw her arms around him, kissing him on the lips once again in approval. Of course she would date Rory! Of course! She pulled away with a bright smile and gave a little chuckle. "That means yes!" Mya laced her fingers through his, giving a gentle squeeze.

Meanwhile, the two had quieted down. The kitten lumbered in, a yawn escaping her mouth as she waddled over toward the couch. Rose took a glance at their hands, then up to Mya and over to Rory. She hopped onto Mya's lap, purring loudly as if oblivious to the PDA going on between the couple. Another yawn fell out of her mouth and her tail twitched in irritation at her canine mother to drop some hints.

"Looks like she's tired, I should probably get her into a place to sleep." Her hand slipped from his grasp as she raised up and cradled her sleepy daughter. "Come on then, Rose." The kitten yawned, muttering a little 'Wose' before closing her eyes and falling into the dream world.

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