Glass Cats On The Wall
He nodded, it had been a stupid explanation. A stupid idea to skirt his skills. Truly he didn't have many, but he had connections that he could use. 'I have connections, around here and overseas. I can get almost anything this pack needs'. All it would take was a quick letter to his 'friends' and the plan would be set in motion. But that was if the woman decided this was a useful skill to her pack. 'I also know where to find other canines happy to... rid people of nusances'. Assassins. Though he didn't want to name them as such, it seemed brutal, but it was never the less true.

He paused again, considering what else he could pass off as a skill. 'I can fish, fairly well and use various types of boats'. Not particularly usfeul here, but it was at least something. He uncrossed his arms, allowing them to hang by his sides. He shifted his weight, the standing around was getting to him, so he had to speak fast and precise. His armadillo grey eyes watched the scenery while he thought. 'I have heard the tales, the unworthy speak of you as demons. The worthy respect you as such'. He spoke in riddles, as per usual. The tales he had been told were the ones that drove him towards the place. He had no wished to rub shoulders with dogs and wolves.

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