it's been ages since we've been really honest
Niro was away for the meeting? It was backdated, I didn't realize he was away then, too, lol. Busy bee!

Though it was not strange for a member of the kingdom to find him wherever he was wandering on any particular day, the King had not expected it to be Niro. His daughter's mate had been away, he knew, to speak with other packs about his messenger birds. Preoccupied as he was by everything else, Vigilante had not been keeping track of his Majordomo's progress and he had not known when to expect him to return. He supposed he could have easily asked Amaranth when she expected him, but truthfully, the King had not gone to see her in quite a while, either. What an awful father he was!

Jade eyes looked out to the sea instead of at the Huntsman, where they should have rested after being spoken to. Respect was a key aspect of the kingdom and he showed it to his members, just as they showed it to him, but he did not wish to look at his daughter's mate's face as he admitted what he was going to say. "I'm beginning to rethink this fatherhood... Thing," he said blandly in a mixture of words one might not expect from their regal, composed King.

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