Character Name: Nakato
Character Birthdate: February 3rd, 2011
Gender: Female
Species: Canis lupus pambasileus; otherwise known as Interior Alaskan Wolf.
Is your character a Luperci?: No
Other 'Souls Characters: None
How you found 'Souls?: I was looking for an active, literate, wolf roleplay, and according to a couple of websites, this appears to be the best. c:
Are you joining a pack?: Yes, Crimson Dreams
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: Out of character would be best c:
Profile or three writing examples: <-profile

Thanks! This may be a better wolf roleplay than I have previously played. c:

EDIT; It appears that I need to post 2 writing examples, so here they are I guess. xD

1: "Mother!" cried Nakato, pitifully wailing into the wall of flames that descended upon her paws. The flames licked the ground, the heat she could feel in her fur, the ash raining down.. it was all too much for her. "Mother! Please say you're okay!" she cried, tears streaking down her ash covered face. "You'll never hear an answer, young one," rasped a voice from above. Nakato gazed up at a Coyote, a rogue most likely. "You!" she choked, her fur bristling with anger. "You killed her!" The Coyote shrugged. He turned his head to the side, revealing a jagged scar across his face. "I don't kill for sport," he said simply. "I kill to take back what is right." Nakato's teeth gnashed with rage. "I will kill you to take back what is right!" She coughed, the ash making it hard to breath. "That'll be the day," shrugged the coyote, and he began to lick his paws casually. Nakato snapped. She charged at him, her claws extended and teeth wide open the way her mother had taught her. The coyote howled with anger, and the two were interlocked in a battle.

2: Nakato's teeth locked around his scruff, and her claws raked down his flanks. "Kid," he grumbled, "what are you doing?" "Vengeance!" she hissed, her mouth full of fur. The coyote cackled, his tail bristling. "Kid, your mother was a liar! A deceiver! Want to know where she got all her prey? She STOLE it! From ME! She's not the hero you know, kid." Nakato let go, stunned. A bloodied gash ran down her flank. "W-what?" The coyote grumbled. He licked his wounds casually glancing at Nakato, who's mouth hung wide open. "That's right. She was the villain. If you want to live as a rogue, you've got to find another mentor, because your mother was a FAKE," he spat in between licks. She shook her head. This can't be true! "If you'll excuse me, I've got to go check on my den. My pups are probably howling with hunger by now," he sniffed, wearily getting up. "By the way, my name is Nightlock. If you see me around, don't be afraid to say hi," Nightlock snorted, and turned tail. Glancing behind him, he smirked at Nakato. "See you around, if you survive." Nakato was still shaken by those words that Nightlock had uttered.

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