What we can endure
She was gentle as she helped Shiloh roll over on to her back. Shiloh watched her and found herself wanting to touch her more then just the gentle hand stroke she was able to give her without her cringing much. She knew this woman was worried about her injuries but she was getting to the point where her pain was making her numb. She wanted to tell the woman everything. How she felt about being here, how she felt about Saxif not being around and how she truly felt about Kavi. She wanted to cry and let herself go and this woman who reminded her so much of her mate being so close and being willing to help her despite her fear of hurting her made her want to weep. So to keep herself from crying she concentrated on the woman's question.

"Isn't there another... there were two of you, right?” she had asked. Yes there was two of us. she thought to herself. Saxif... she was getting the feeling that Saxif didn't want her. Weeks. It had been weeks since she had seen her. " Yes... there are two of us. My mate Saxif came with me. She is one of the reasons I live right now," she said softly. Just thinking about Saxif made her heart ache and Kavi threaten to take over. Shiloh was losing faith and love in her mate and she knew things had been rough but to leave her like this... it was hurting Shiloh more then her wounds.

She almost missed the pale woman's words as she told her her name and that she had helped found d'Arte. She repeated her name back to her to remember "Orin Takekuro. Nice to meet you Orin," she said with a smile. The woman was so worried she would hurt her Shiloh had to stiffle a laugh. When Orin took her arm in her hands and put it over her shoulder Shiloh was more then ready to get of ground. "I am more then ready Orin. The ground is making me itch. Dirt in my fur. I don't honestly know where I came from. I don't know these lands. I don't know anything. About my pack.... or my mate or anything for that matter! I have a lame arm from a rape that happened two months ago. I now have a broken ankle that I have been trying to walk on and failing. My mate...." she paused as a wave of utter sorrow and grief went over her. Why was she telling Orin this when she had just met her?

Because this raw ache is breaking me down and slowly killing me she thought as she wrapped her arms around Orin and broken down. I am going to scare her away. I should have let her leave me down she though as she leaned against Orin and cried. Cried because her emotional pain hurt more then her physical. She wanted Saxif back in her life but more then anything she wanted someone to look at her and not see her as a monster, a this ugly mishappen being she had been burned and beaten into.

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