looking to the sky to save me

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this island… the oppression of his silence had been lifted. he smiled to himself, feeling he had found the perfect spot for a den. it was away from prying eyes, because surely no one else wanted to venture into those waters just to get here. and the scenery was perfect, just perfect. samson set to mapping out the tiny island, pausing to rest near the shore. it was then that he noticed he had company: a tan dog in optime. the hybrid shifted, closing his eyes as always as the mane grew first, followed by bones until he was standing in his shorter-than-average optime form. he then turned to the dog, whom he assumed was a packmate of his, considering not only their current location but also the heavy scent of the Pack of White Supremacy. sam pulled himself up, letting his gaze size up the other male. ’hello,’ came the quiet offering, not inclined to delve much deeper into conversastion.


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