
OOC here: Table & Coding © Kiki; 317 words
Symera Villisca
and the rat's in the cradle

Symera was glad to not be scolded for her lack of knowledge. She had no dealings with traps or anything shady and underhanded. In her world things were black and white, entirely straightforward. Slowly she was learning that such wasn't actually the case. After all she was surrounded by hybrids, each of them smelling odd and strange to her. Greys were starting to mix into her thinking and she wasn't certain what to make of it.

The girl looked on as the demonstration was given. It would seem that she had to keep her nose to the ground and search out spots where the ground looked funny. That seemed like an easy enough task. Of course she would end up finding out that such wasn't really the case. It was only one thing to look for out of a multitude of things that could end up being off. Still the young female did not know this and so was quite happy to follow along to help on the search.

The pup had fanned out from the small group in order to look amongst the tree lined area. With how small she was she could easily slip through the underbrush that could tangle up the larger members. She was crawling through such places in search of overturned earth but found nothing of the such. What she did find was aggravating to say the least. Her small size allowed her to pass easily, for the most part, through the snare that was meant to encircle the body of a larger canine. She had somehow managed to snag a hind paw and had gotten it trapped. She gave a bit of a growl as she shook her paw, trying hard to get it unstuck. Of course that didn't work and she had to turn her head to chew at the loop of foliage that had fastened tightly around her ankle.

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