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Nahele glanced at her dangerously. She was just like the others, she did not understand. It wasn't a matter of wanting but it would seem the traitor had ruled the tribe with silken gloves. His rage built with the frustration born from her stupidity. "Fool!" he exclaimed, slapping her fiercely. "There never was a real Kalona - none but Achak Aatu." She was proud of her pack? It was not the same one she joined? It was hard to choose between the need to shake his head and give up, or just shake her until she gave up. It WAS the same hard, true life she had been leading before. He seethed as he spoke slowly, his hand raised and promising more pain where the first slap came from. "If you care for the lives of your family, AniWaya, you should dedicate yourself to the tribe's defenses." Was it a suggestion? His face clearly stated it wasn't. Glancing out one of the windows, he saw his councilman master staring in.

He had found a window to look inside, having moved so very soundlessly around to the other side of the building, and watched the scene unfold. The fools - the femme did not deserve to even tread on these lands, and now she would have it undone? Their hospitality, their friendliness to someone like her, she would not repay the gesture? Perhaps he should have them all barred up. As Nahele for a moment glanced outside, Maska made a hand gesture at him, suggesting he continue his... persuasion of the hybrid female. It would seem she needed help understanding the changes in her life, and Maska was more than happy to aid her.



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