used to be clean; now i'm filthy as can be
WC: 308. No worries. Smile I didn't wait too long. ^^
[/html]It was a day of half-comments and half-departures. Even as Tayui began to walk away, hoping to leave before the situation escalated anymore, she heard the sound of the wolf following behind her. The other wolf’s footfalls broke a twig or two, alerting Tayui to her presence. She felt like she could even sense the other wolf, but she didn’t know if that was really possible. Just knowing that the black female was following so closely filled Tayui with anxiety. She whirled around to face the other wolf when she heard the first word with a frown on her face. What? She had not called the girl a child so much as she had used it as an expression. Was she really that immature to be bothered by such a little thing? How humorous; they really didn’t grow up. She figured that the both of her sons were younger than this wolf, but was likely more capable than her in any regard. Tayui wasn’t just saying that because she was their mother, but because this girl seemed so keen on proving that she was no child that she just looked that much more immature. While Tayui had been a lenient mother with her children, this sort of comment would never have been allowed. This was not proper behaviour.

Just as quickly as Tayui had turned, she took a few short steps and moved to attack the other wolf. As with her training, she knew that her large form – larger than some wolves – would come in handy, and that her thick fur not only made her look bigger, but also provided a cover that opponents could mistake for flesh. She dodged to one side and then used her momentum to push herself forward, aiming right for the neck. She would show this girl how to behave properly in public.[html]

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