[M] Did you stand too close to the fire

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sorin; 358 words

Symera remained tucked away in her bush simply because she had been commanded to do so. The girl really wasn't the sort to run from a fight. No, she was reckless in that aspect and would plunge in head first. She didn't have enough reserve in order to fret about her own life. All she knew was that if she were to die then she would wish to bring one of the stinkies to demise with her. In her mind everything was still black or white. She couldn't fathom a situation where retreat was ever a good option. To her it was just letting the stinky win and she couldn't have that.

When the young female was finally allowed to leave her position. She was quick to crawl out from the bush. She gave a swipe of her claws against the snout of the jaws that had been attempting to consume her before she circled over to Halo. The runt sat down next to the adult and stared at the immobile wolf. She didn't like that it was just hurt, she wanted it dead. Still, she was being a good girl and waiting for further instruction.

"I found stinky." The words were given to break the silence. Not that there was really silence since the injured party was whimpering and whining in pain. That didn't count to Symera though. She didn't even see wolves as intelligent beings. To her they were nothing more than a plague that needed eradicating. Because of that the noises that it was making didn't even count and was more like ambient noise than anything else.

The small female forced her gaze away from the wolf in order to tilt her head in a way that would allow her to look up towards Halo's face. "What now?" The question was enough to show that the girl believed that this shouldn't be the end of it. In her mind it would never be enough, not until every single wolf was dead. Only then would they have ever done enough. So yes, the female was all for genocide. Actually that was her goal, her ultimate dream.

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