All the things you didn't know
For once she was actually trying to do something constructive when she'd heard the howl cut through the lands. Growling at the horrible timing she abandoned her chores of trying to clean up the old human house she'd found and padded out to the porch. Sitting on the railing she raked her nails through her mane as she shook the dust and dirt from her face. She turned towards the sound of the voice which wasn't actually too far off and was tempted to ignore it for a bit, she was actually trying to do something for once and the sudden demand for her attention was requesting a little to much of her time. Sighing to her self she roll her eyes at the thought of what would happen if she didn't reply and show.

Instead of just walking off to join the meeting she transformed into her quad form and gave her pelt a good shaking before laying tongue to fur and giving herself a good wash. The taste of the grim and grit in her mouth wasn't exactly something she'd wanted but she'd just stop and get a drink on the way to the all important gathering. Yawning and stretching out her legs she smiled at the burn of pain and the creak of her back as she finished loosening up her frame before padding down towards the calling, thinking to herself, better late than never.

It didn't take her too long to find the small gathering, already Cercelee and Haku were there, the young Sadira's eyes glittered with dark humor when she set eyes on the male before turning away to see who else had shown so far. Impressed that all the time she'd spent trying to be late and she was still within the first few to arrive she smirked to herself and sat back on her haunches, nodding to Cercelee, her light irish accent filling the air as she spoke up, "Hello Cercelee.. " Her emerald eyes turned dancing to Haku as a devilish smile played across her lips for mere seconds before she greeted him as well. "Haku.." The one word was soft and drawn out as she lowered her gaze a moment before turning to see who else was about to arrive. She was rather curious about the strange new wolf near her but didn't say a word, she wasn't the one who'd called the meeting, she was just attending.

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