[m] World of our Own
| +261

A quiet chuckle eminated from his muzzle at Jace's reluctance to tell him what the drink was that she was making. Temo padded over to the sofa and sat down being careful not to sit on his tail and bending it painfully into a kink. With his head laid back and eyes closed, he rubbed the sleep and reminants of the bad dream from his eyes with his hands.

His ear twitched at the noise of the spoon being deposited into the sink with a clank. When he heard her padding towards him, he lifted his head up and opened his eyes. He admired her approching form as his olfactory senses caused his nose to twitch at the pleasant odor of the steaming mugs wafted in his direction. His ears perked forward with interest as he took the mug that she offered him.

After waiting a few moments for Jace to sit down next to him on the sofa and settle herself on the cusions. He breathed in the chocolate scented steam that was rising from his mug before gently blowing across the surface of the dark liquid contained within. With a quiet sip, he took in some of the hot liquid and let it roll around on his tongue before letting it run down his throat to his stomach. He had chocolate before, but not as a hot drink. "This is really good," he said with a whisper so as not to spoil the quiet and happy moment that they were having with the hot chocolate.

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