Jigsaw [P]uzzles
Sorry for the wait on this, I have been away.

The white male complimented Robin's parents and the little female smiled broadly at him, her tail wagging furiously as she looked at him, this male knew how special her mommy and daddy were, this was wonderful, the little multicoloured girl had always suspected that they were special, and now this male seemed to agree, this was fantastic in her mind.
"Thank you very much, I think they're wonderful, especially my Daddy, he's a hero you know, I'm going to be just like him when I grow up, I shall be an intrepid explorer and adventurer, saving wolves in need, just like him." The little girl replied with a grin, her tail still wagging, she loved talking about her plans, and her parents, in all honesty she just liked talking, the little fae was always full of stories and ideas, it was nice to have a new audience to regale. Realising that she was being rude she added, "I think that you're a very nice man too, I think Jiva is lucky to have you for a father." She smiled at the little red male, bouncing slightly again from the excitement of going to see the birds now.

The little patchwork girl's tail began to wag even harder as she marched through the stables, she kept turning to throw grins at the little red pup and his father, she was excited, she had never seen tame birds before. The only birds she had ever seen were usually sitting in trees or hanging high in the sky, seeming to drift aimlessly past the clouds, the little Aatte girl liked birds, she was a little envious of them if she was honest, she would love to know what it was like to fly, she was sure she would be good at it, she was quite good at the things she tried, she was going to be a hero after all, she needed to be good at things. Although the idea did cross her mind briefly that it would be like her first shift, where she could not make anything work how she wanted it to, what would happen if she were to end up stuck like that? She would be floating about unable to get down, that would be awful, at least when she was sat on the floor unable to get up she would have grass to eat, although it was disgusting. The very thought of the taste of the green stalks she had tentatively put in her mouth made her shudder and her brow furrow, no she would not like to be stuck in the air, after all what would she eat? What did clouds taste of? They looked fluffy, like the sheep she had seen, perhaps they tasted like sheep? The multicoloured female doubted this though, no, it would not do to be stuck in the sky like a bird, although it would make her rescues much easier, being able to zip across the sky and scoop those in need up with her, away from whatever dangers they had to face. No, she would leave the sky to the birds, especially as she had no idea how to even go about beginning to fly, she had never seen a wolf fly, perhaps someone would know how, she would ask her Daddy when she got home.

When they arrived at the bird's roosting place the little female's eyes widened beyond what she seemed capable of, the bird that landed on the tall male's arm was enormous, she had never seen any bird so large before. She had always supposed that they might exist, she had seen the larger silhouettes high in the sky, but from that distance all birds seemed to be small, she had always just expected them to be a little larger than the other birds that she saw nesting in the trees. But this bird was huge, he had fierce looking talons and a sharp beak, the female wasn't sure he was a bird, if it hadn't been for the wings she would have been certain, he looked to predatory to be one of those little chirruping creatures that flew overhead, no, he had to be some kind of winged wolf, perhaps some kind of cat; the little female was rather naive when it came to creatures such as cats, having not really seen one up close before either, so in her mind this creature could be a cat.
"He can't be a bird! He's much too large! And look at his spiky feet, he has to be come sort of cat, doesn't he? What is he?" The little fae asked, her small brow furrowed in confusion, looking from Jiva to Niro and back again. She knew that there were birds of prey, she had read about them in the books that were littered around the house, but she had never known that they grew so large, this male bird was huge, she remembered vaguely seeing a picture that looked a little like him, but it had been small, nothing like the grand scale of the huge bird that had perched himself upon Niro's shoulder, she looked up at the large bird, her blue eyes still wide as she watched his movements, he was a fascinating creature.

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WC: 879

Table by Erin


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