Picnic and Songs
OOC - I'm grounded... so my replies will be more spaced. Sorry ;<

Mya gave off a laugh at her new boyfriend's reaction to her, and it took him a while to go get his niece but not until he'd kissed her quickly on the cheek. The buffalo wolf was high on life as she twirled around happily and played with Rose until Rory and Saorise returned. Rory bent to kiss the female, making her one of the happiest females in the pack. She followed his lead toward the sight of the picnic, humming and making small talk. Rose kept on her heels, going off to chase some bugs or mess with Saorise a couple of times.

"I believe I'd like to claim that stone house as my own," she said to her boyfriend. The thought had been buzzing in her brain a bit, but she hadn't really made certain goals for her future home until the moment when she walked beside her irish love. She paused to let him respond and then, flashing him a smile, she added, "You could live with us. Saorise and Rose are practically best friends, and last night was nice. It'd work. Don't you think?"

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