Stir up the fire, and breath out the pain.

Table & Coding © Vannah; 330 words

Just because the male didn't spot someone right away didn't mean that the borders weren't being guarded. After all the small, feminine male was one to often stalk the area. To date he had been part of the capture of most of the communal slaves that Salsola held in their grasp. All were silly enough to stalk the borders. It was what happened to all trespassers, to all those that thought it wise to chance the borders. If he had this way then this male would suffer the same fate. It was what everyone who chanced upon the borders without invite deserved. After all visitors weren't welcomed in his mind. No one was allowed to know of the borders and tempt them without ever being let back out.

His floral scent is what caused the male to not stand out. it covered the scent of the pack and hindered his own scent from becoming apparent right off. He watched the other male from his place, waiting and desperately hoping that the other would be foolish enough to cross that invisible line. When the howl went up he reached up to clamp his hands against his ears which had folded back to his head to soften the loud noise. He waited for it to end in order to produce himself from the foliage.

The small male tilted his head tot he side as he surveyed the reclined beast. "Who you? What want? Who see?" One question after another was clipped out. It was all necessary information for him to end up knowing how to proceed. After all if this male actually had an invite then there was little that Bastion could do other than to alert that being as well as the leadership. And if not, well then he would be able to have a bit of fun. After all he was on home turf and had the rest of the family to back him up should the situation become sticky.


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