[m]Concious Fists
There was nothing for it, Shaw couldn't get away from the knife, he felt the stabbing pain as he moved to get away, but being as his hand was still following through and he wasn't quite as quick on his feet, he could feel the pain as the man dug the knife in, thanfully it wasn't anywhere near useful organ, and he only got muscles as Shawchert pulled away. He howled with pain when he dug the knife in and kneeled over for a few seconds, enough time for him to cover the wound with one hand and recover himself to use the other with his sword, he was lucky it was on the side of his swordhand, so that he could use his opposite to hold the wound. Though he could see Rurik was coming further into the pack, which made the large man's blood boil. Finding the adrenaline and energy to muster up, he ran for the man, his sword ready to slash his back, he would not allow him to go further into these lands, nor would he allow him to burn anything like he'd tried with the tree.

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