hunting the hawk
OOC: Tobias has a big head so don't take what i write to heart <3

Niro had gone out with Tobias today, leaving Marahute home to preen herself. The two birds never got along and he wasn't much for wanting to break up fights between birds because he would be the one to get hurt from it. Tobias had taken off a while ago, which was natural but Niro was ready to get home. He called for the bird, a loud high pitched whistle and waited. It was evident that the bird was either in the middle of the hunt or decided today was a good day just to slack off. The red tail tended to be the one to do that.

Tobias was doing something by far more fun though, he was playing with another wolf, he'd known about her, let her think he hadn't heard her crashing through the area like a boar snuffing out food. He felt like a good game of cat and mouse, though he was the mouse, he'd be outsmarting the cat, so just when the wolf thought she had him, he flew off. If he could laugh he would have though he gave his own vocals teasing her to try and get him, though he doubted she could understand him, but he darted too and from, letting her catch up a little, that was until he heard the call of his master, it was far away, so he figured he'd have time to play chase headed towards Niro. once close enough to Niro he flew higher, enjoying the knowledge he'd be able to easily out fly the wolf chasing him. Once close enough he descended onto Niro's arm which was held, gloved and ready for his sharp talons.

Niro had slightly noticed the she wolf, but was more interested in Tobias who'd finally made his appearance, slightly before the woman did. Once Tobias landed on his arm though, Niro's attention went to the wolf who'd instantly stopped. Niro gave a slight sheepish smile at the woman, he could figure what had just happened, and he wasn't sure how she would react.

"I see you met my... friend, he's a bit of a troublemaker."

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