Jigsaw [P]uzzles
OOC: You do realize that Marahute, a golden eagle, has been perched on Niro's shoulder the whole time right?

Niro smiled at her, thankful for her words. Jiva puffed out his own chest, as proud as could be. He was happy to have a daddy as brave as his own. Not many did. He didn't know her's but if his daddy said he was a good man then he was. Niro couldn't wait to see the expression on the little girls face when he showed her the eagle. Some type of cat? He chuckled, Jiva giggled too, as he was used to seeing a cat, his mothers.

"No, this is a bird, but like deer and wolves there are prey and predators of the sky. The prey are the little birds you see, the predator's are these."

He pointed to Tobias, and perched up on one of the perches, Gregor, who was a Bald eagle, and MUCH larger than Tobias, though only slightly smaller than Marahute. The bald eagle was watching with a close eye, but he made no move. He was more docile than Tobias but the only one who wasn't as agressive was Marahute. He put Tobias back, he flapped his wings before hopping back on the perch, then took his hand for Marahute to hop on. She blinked at the girl as he brought her closer. Niro touched her beak, and she made a soft noise. It was their way of saying this was family, not food. He knew golden eagles could snatch a pup right off the ground and eat them for a meal, but Marahute had hatched with Niro as both her mother and father, so She was taught differently, but he had made sure to make a signal to let her know who was a friend.

"This is Marahute, she is nice, you can pet her if you want."

Niro sat crosslegged on the ground, the bird sitting calmly in his arm. She was by far bigger than the redtail hawk he just showed little Robin.

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