Picnic and Songs

OOC - bla!

Word Count → 000

The kitten rushed to chew on her food as her plate was sat down and the mother of the feline stroked her delicate little ears before turning back toward her love. The blue eyes traced his body as he stood, up to his thoughtful face. She arched her brow in question, wondering what sort of ideas were buzzing around in his brain.

“Something wrong?” her head tilted, though Rose hardly lifted her head to watch the conversation; much less stopped her pace of biting through one of the sides on her plate. Mya awaited her boyfriend’s answer, trying to guess what was behind his chocolate eyes. Meanwhile her happiness never subsided, and if he’d just kiss her she knew that the magic between them would make her want to sing and dance until she reached the moon.

Table code by Cait and/or the Mentors!

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