Play me your favorite song


[Image: tablespacer.jpg]

He had removed the bandages and tried shifting. His cut did not look well, but after a few droplets of blood, it stayed dry. He could never decide which form he preferred. Luperci was most often used, but it was something simple in the normal form. He was faster. He also matched the pretty little joiner that was waiting for him. The wind had been friendly today and brought with the scent of fresh prey waiting for him at the borders. As the wonderful beta he was, he had moved instantly to investigate who it might was. Thing was.. She smelled similar to Firefly, and that female was someone he thought of with lust beating violently in his chest. Interesting, interesting!

Well, well, what a pretty little flower. His voice was light and there was a hint of flirting in it. The chocolate coated male entered the scene and gave her a pleasant smile. Labyrinth Glen, gah. Oh well. What is your business here, little lady? Looking for someone? The moment he had recognized the smell of the other wolf pack, he turned a bit more into a business man, though he was friendly and open in his voice. He just thought back to the last wolfess at the borders a week or so into the past. It had been… wonderful. Great. Everything. He enjoyed getting laid.


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