Finding the Artists [joining]
The young wolf lowered herself and bowed her head respectfully as the leader of the pack had aproached her.

"I'm Leigha Willow. I have come to ask permission to join your pack," she answered.

There was hope in her eyes. She had so longed to be in this pack. It seemed so perfect to her. The leader seemed quite friendly, which was a good sign. She couldn't wait to show him what she could do. The sun was starting to go down and a cold breeze drifted in. Leigha wanted to curl up for warmth, but not when the leader of her so desired pack was right in front of her nose. She had to be respectful and confident at the same time. She couldn't make the impression that she was a wolf with no dignity. She had to show respect to the leader, but show him that she was a confident young wolf as well. She thought that that would give her quite the impression with the leader. She lowered herself more, hoping that her slightly more submissive act would show that she had great respect for him.

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