Spre[a]d your [w]ings and prepare to fly

I am ever so sorry for the wait on this! I was on holiday until the 30th and then have been sorting out college stuff so some of my threads have slipped my mind a little. I'm very sorry. WC: 641

This pale female was fascinating to the little patchwork girl, she watched her with wide blue eyes, she knew that it was rude to stare, her parents had explained to her about the differences that wolves and dogs could have, the pack was a mixture of the two, which was what created the variation within the lands, Robin knew not to be rude about another's appearance as often it was simply something that their blood had given them. But this female was interesting to look at, the little female had never seen anyone who looked quite like her, she seemed to have no ears, little did the small girl know that they were simply flopped down beside her head, hidden behind her braided mane. But to the small girl this female had no ears whatsoever, she wondered how she could hear her speaking, perhaps she was reading her lips, the little female had read about deaf humans who had learned to speak with their hands and understood what those who did not have that skill by learning what shape another's lips were when they spoke a certain word; she wondered if it was that easy for deaf wolves, their mouths were not as expressive as a human's after all. She smiled at the female as she spoke, her face stretching into a grin as the lady said that it was nice to meet a future hero, her tail was now wagging vigourously, this female seemed nice, the little female was overjoyed to meet someone who might enjoy listening to her stories, they were very embellished when she told them of course, but who was to say that there were no dragons or pirates hiding amongst the lands, when one looked hard enough with their imagination's eye they could see them easily.
”Thank you very much, I am hoping to be an intrepid explorer as well, I'm going to make maps of the whole of these lands.” The little fae said cheerfully, her tail still wagging, she loved talking about her future plans, especially when she could describe her plans for her heroics and her adventures.

The little female nodded as Caspa explained about the chicken, the little female knew something about birds, only from what she had read in books and from seeing them flapping about the place or hiding high in tree branches. But she knew that a chick was a bird, a small chicken if she was correct, she also knew that birds laid eggs, but had no idea that one could eat them if they needed to. She looked at the female quizzically as she explained that she didn't like leaving the small bird alone, Robin did not understand this, surely the little chick would be fine with her brothers and sisters? Felicity was smaller than herself and Linden but her parents let her stay with them, they would often play rough and tumble games, but they were never any real danger to her. She could not imagine something that small and fluffy being a danger to anything.
"Why does she need to be away from them? Would they hurt her? Why do you want her to lay eggs? What will you do with them?" The little fae fired the questions out quickly, making sure that Caspa could see her mouth, just in case she really did have no ears; she was a very inquisitive creature and once she had an idea in her mind she wanted to know everything about it as quickly as possible, Caspa seemed to know a lot about the little birds so she seemed the right wolf to ask about it. She watched the pale lady with large eyes, her ears perking up, awaiting an answer, she was so thirsty for any knowledge that might help her on her adventures in the future.

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