All the things you didn't know
Toldja I'd get a reply up today, Kris, lol!

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When Cercelee's cry fell on her ears, Hanna took a moment to prepare herself. She had to come, it was necessary, and they (the pack) needed to see their Herbalist, needed to know that she'd be there for them. So packing her satchel and fixing her belt around her hips, she emerged from the clinic she'd chosen to adopt as her den and workplace, and began to walk toward the park.

She had found a whole slew of interesting objects in the abandoned hospital, things she wasn't even sure how to work, but she was learning. She decided as she walked that she would visit the other packs and see if they had any books or the like that she could learn from.

Approaching the leaders perched upon their rocks, but without really studying them, as well as the female she'd greeted at the borders, Slay, and another new one that Hanna didn't know. Mismatched orbs flicking around the trees, Hanna spotted the bird that was WindSeeker's closest companion, nodded to her, then greeted the others with a generalized, "Hello all." She made her way to one of the benches and sat, rearranging her sheathes without making a show of them.

Another glance around made her frown. Where was her sister? Shouldn't she be here? And why did all the other wolves keep to their lupine forms, instead of utilizing their Optime additions? Hanna glanced at her arms, her legs. Was she strange for keeping to this form? ... bottom.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 27px;"> 


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