Call me a LIAR, (AW)
ooc; totally XD no idea how big Gunnar actually is XD

Miracles of miracles, the boy did not turn her away, frown at her or in any other way signal that her presence and company caused him any displeasure. His tail twitched a small greeting and her own replied in kind, flicking elegantly of her feelings at being accepted at least for now. Ivory ears turned on their axis and settled upon his small form, while a small and uncertain smile worked its way onto her face,

"No I'm not. I've met her though, she seemed nice to me." Gemma remembered the first time she had crossed paths with their elusive leader, they had talked about what jobs she could do or if she wanted what rank she could increase to but eventually the younger female had decided to stay as a Zepar since she didn't have the skills to rank upwards. The second time had been at his wedding and she hadn't spoken to Naniko at all,

"Do you mind if I sit here with you?" Her back was starting to pain her now from the heavy weight she carried at the front, her knees as well were threatening to buckle sometime in the nearby future if she didn't at least rest for a while, the short trek from her cave to the entrance had been draining on her.

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