M - while the wicked stand confounded

I don't see what's so bad about it o.O mine haven't been any better lol and this be my last post!

Pale yellow eyes stared wide at the bloody beast before him. His good arm supported him as he clutched the other mangled limb close to him. His breathing was heavy and his heart hammered in his chest. With every pump the organ sent more of his life blood to drip and ooze into matted fur and mangled flesh. Weakening him with every passing second as he stared back at those green eyes filled with rage and the intent to kill. Though his vision grew hazy and blinked tryin to bring those terrifying eyes back to focus.

A fucking dog, he couldn't believe it. Refused to accept it. A fucking dog was to be the end of him. Perhaps most poetic after having lived a life of sin and prejudice. It was the purity of lineage that had given him power and left him standing above those of lesser breed. Coyotes were weak and the domestic breeds were hardly better than the livestock they were expected to tended. Yet it would be such a lowly creature that stood over him now, forcing him to pay in blood for his sins.

Keese lurched backwards to try and escape the fangs that sought his neck, but his movements were sluggish and uncoordinated. His feet failed to find purchase to shove himself back and away. Instead hind claws scrambled uselessly against the earth as he felt his throat being grasped. His breath wheezed and gurgled in his throat before he choked, tasting his own blood as it flooded his mouth. Panic coarsed through him and even though he knew this was it, it was over, his limbs flailed. His one good arm tried to beat the dog off him. Though with each assault he grew weaker and the world darker. And then there was nothing. The silvered male lay still and silent. Eyes stared wide open, unseeing. A small, brass hued key on a bit of cord had worked itself free from his pocket of his blood stained trousers and laid beside the fallen villain. Glinting faintly in the light.

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