Call me a LIAR, (AW)
ehehe quicker to reply this tiem XD and im just assuming that Matteo introduced Camilla and Gemma somtime in the past Tongue

He actually moved over for her, well, truly she was in the company of a gentleman this morning or maybe he was just displaying common manners that people had never felt the need to show her before, least of all men. She settled herself down onto the rock with a small amount of difficulty, her stomach got in the way of everything these days and was almost becoming a nuisance, she would be glad when they were finally born and she could have her old slim form back and be able to walk about without looking like a waddling duck,

"Thank you." At first she didn't know who it was that he was describing, there could be others in the pack with white fur for all she knew. She hardly knew any of them, not really that inclined to meet them either but at the mentioning of him being gay the smile upon her face froze and her spinal fur bristled with anger,

"No i'm not related to him either. I don't have any family here, my father was the only one and he died a short while ago." She took in a few breaths to calm herself down,

"Camilla is very nice, I've spoken to her a few times, maybe you should as well." A secret grin on the fleetingness of young feelings and also a sense of sorrow built in her heart, the woman had never experienced any of that, she had her innocence and childhood ripped away from her almost at the start.

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