[M] Did you stand too close to the fire

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sorin; 344 words

The young female watched as the older woman touched the wolf and couldn't help but to wrinkle her nose in disgust. Why did she want to pet the stinky anyways? She would just end up making herself stinky too. And just being in such close proximity Symera already felt the need for a bath herself. The small girl didn't want to end up being stinky herself. After this was over she would have to make sure she rolled around in the stream near the mansion to try and get all of the stink off of herself. She didn't want to smell like what she had hunted and be thought to actually like them or something. No, she didn't want to be related to such things in the slightest.

Symera met the gaze of her companion fully. She had no idea how she was expected to remove the head from the beast but she could only think of one possibility. The pup got herself up and moved over to the large form. She climbed up onto the back of the stinky and sank her teeth into the back of its neck then savagely shook her head from side to side in order to wrestle the chunk of flesh and fur trapped within her jaws away from the body that it was attached to. The only way that she could think to sever the head was to bite it off, ripping out chunk after chunk of flesh. It wouldn't be the quickest and cleanest of ways but it was all that she could manage.

The yowling of the wolf was ignored as Symera focused on her work. The female folded her ears down to her skull in order to block out most of the loud noise as she finally managed to remove the hunk that she had been fighting with. She didn't bother to try and eat it but simply spat out the bloodied meat and fur onto the ground before latching onto another section with her jaws in order to repeat the procedure once more.

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