Call me a LIAR, (AW)

Word Count :: 000 Fine with me. :3

Gunnar listened and watched intently as she replied to his questions, ever curious of her changing eyes, the expression making them colder at one point and then a mixture of emotions he couldn't pick out after, as she approved of Camilla. He grinned sheepishly and brought his hand behind his head, running his claws through his loosely curled hair.

Eheh. I'll ask her to hang out tomorrow if I find the time. His voice didn't sound as if he were too sure of the idea, still a bit iffy about letting anyone else in since the fight. It wasn't easy cutting himself off from everyone, but he felt an odd fear at trusting anyone else again. He wasn't sure why, though.

I'm sorry to hear about your father, though. He wasn't in the slightest. You seem like a good person, missus Gemma. I hope he'd been a good man. He'd been taught the proper way to speak to a stranger or a new aquaintence as a pup and the mature words still didn't match his tone of voice, a bit unsure and not fond of the topic.

Gunnar didn't know his real father. He didn't even have a clue as to who the mysterious man had been. His mother never spoke of him, besides the obvious fake and flake, J'adore. He'd never really consider him to be his father though. Not since he'd been disloyal to his mother with that AniWaya chick. Noise.

Coding by the Mentors!

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