On The Hunt

Word Count → 000

The reddish male skittered of before he could reply. Not that Galileo minded, he knew Shawchert would be back without question and if he said he had things that would help then naturally Galileo would trust him. And Galileo was lazy, anything that woul make a load lighter was fine by him, Iven was usually the person who did anything for him. And if there was any way Iven could hunt and Galileo could take the credit for it, Galileo would be pleased to no end. But sadly things didn't work out like that and he knew that the Skye was watching him to make sure he deserved the rank.

Shaw came back as quick as he left. But perhaps that was Galileo's daydreaming speeding up time. He asked Galileo wheter he wished to cut it now or later and after a moments consideration Galileo decided. 'Later, it'll make lee mess that way'. Again, laziness. He couldn't be bothered to clean where ever the guts dripped. And Shawchert was large and he was average sized, with both in Secui form it was a simple job to transport a larger prey animal to where ever they needed it.

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