By River We Come to Spirit You Away

Sorry I'm late everyone!!! WC: 789

Soran was not in the lands, she had been wandering around the neutral territories close by though, something that she was prone to do when she found herself at this late hour with sleep eluding her. She had been up for hours, just watching the stars, wondering whether or not sleep would ever catch up with her once again, it was not often that she found herself with such insomnia anymore, now that she was safe and back in her home, contented with what life had given her, the unstable relations between herself and her family beginning to be patched up she had been finding it easier to sleep; but tonight she was restless, and had left the manor in the late evening and gone for a walk, hoping to tire herself out. It had been quite a traquil and peaceful night, but suddenly the peace was shattered, a loud shout going out from the packlands, many voices all together, warning of the troubles in the lands, there were intruders, the ebony female had no idea how long it had taken for these calls to reach her in her current position, but it did not matter, her home was in danger and she could not simply stand idly by and allow that to happen. Her first thoughts were of Mati, her young granddaughter, she always seemed so strong, but there was weakeness beneath that and Charm, her new lover, she could not allow anything to happen to them, or any of the other pack members. She shifted into her Secui form, something that she was not used to doing, her limbs becoming thick and stout, rippling with muscles which were usually not obvious in the tall female's slender frame, even her jaw thickened, her fur became thick and shaggy; the female had always been a large wolf, her family always being tall and this transferred over to her Secui form, all in all she was beginning to look more like a small bear than a wolf. Her eyes flickered poisonous green with fury and she set off, racing into the packlands as fast as this awkward form would take her, muscles rippling and shifting beneath the thick fur as she powered forwards. The female had no idea how long it took her to arrive at the battle ground, only that when she did arrive all she could see around her was devestation, her eyes narrowed further as she hunted for a familiar face within the cacophony of bodies moving this way and that. Soon her eyes fell on a familiar form, Anu, flopped over the shoulder of a large male in the distance, she seemed to be unconcious and helpless and he seemed more than happy to take advantage, to kidnap her.

A loud snarl of fury escaped the female's lips and she raced forward, her low to the ground, sharp fangs bared, her lips pulling back to reveal the rows of sharp pale teeth, her ears flattened to her skull as she raced, but alas it was too late, by the time she arrived at the shore the male and her leader were already in a canoe, too far away, she skidded to a halt, thick claws digging into the ground to halt herself, she considered a jump, but in this form she was unsure how far she would manage to get, and the risk of upsetting the canoe and having her leader slide into the water and drown in her unconcious state was too much. She simply raised her head and shouted, "You, the grey wolf! You will live to regret this night, that I promise you! When you are begging for mercy beneath my hands I will show none!" She spat, her voice filled with rage, something that was uncommon in the sable lady, she was often a pacifist, a gentle soul, but at time like this, when her family were threatened, she could be vicious and cruel, her father had shown her enough cruelty for her to easily muster some when she needed it. Long claws tore into a clod of earth and tossed it into the river, how she wished she had been in her Optime form now, the long hunting knife had proven itself a good thrown weapon, and although she could not reach the male who was taking her grandchildren's mother away she was certain that ther knife blade would have reached, burying itself in the back of the grey male, oh how she wished she had it with her. Giving the rescue up she turned around, racing back into the body of the scuffle, searching for Savina, hoping her mirror image leader would have some idea of what to do next.

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