Strangest ways

ooc text. Here we goooo! (:

He'd been walking for a while. His clothes and his messenger bag missing. It was a wonder when it came down to waking up back as himself; not as the shell used to host a demonic personality branched off from his own. "Where could they have gone?" He was searching through thousands of sunflowers. He'd back tracked with his own scent,(though at the time when he marked the scent, someone else was in control of his body) and found himself here... confused by the strong scent of two packs and millions of flowers. What had Fang been up to anyway?

He finally caught sight of something he hadn't exactly been shocked to see. Fang's red shirt was stashed halfway into the gothic-looking messenger bag. Toby's shirt was on the ground... trampled, and smelling of piss. A strong whiff of the shirt and Toby knew it'd been Fang. Probably was wasted again... He scooped his stuff up and left the old t-shirt. He wouldn't wish to wear something even he peed on... sort of. So off he went, trekking to find some new place and new people before Fang took back over. He finally stopped, realizing the need to put on his pants, and checked inventory on other things he had in his bag.

That's when he heard the female in the water. He trudged over, zipping up his fly and eyeing the woman. She seemed very beautiful, and he found himself hypnotically walking toward the water. That's when he realized he was being creepy and should say something. "Hello there," he called out loudly toward the lovely water goddess before him. He wasn't Fang, he wasn't grotesque with his desires, but he did feel attraction for women. He was male after all. "I'm Toby!" he said just as he reached the edge of the water and gave the female a smile.

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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