Align my heart, my body, my mind

Mati had been in a deep angry sort of depression since the AniWayans had raided the pack lands. The woman hadn't gone with the group to retrieve her lost Mother. Part of her was shamed, angered at her own fear and her need to stay close to her mate during these times. She was scared, terrified for her mother and demanded to know what had happened the moment the party returned. When her silver mother had not come back with them she had cried, hard tears that mixed with her growing hatred and anger. The only thing that gave her hope was the voice inside that told her that Anu would come home. Mati believed in hope, she knew that Anu was strong enough to survive this. But that still didn't make each passing moment easy to live.

She lingered around the lake, her form shifted down into her lupus body. But when a call came up through the air she closed her eyes and grew to the intimidating halfling form. Her bulking figure shot through the woods, and though slower then her lupus she pushed her muscles towards the sound. But it was familiar, not the enemy and yet the anger and the unease that lingered in the air of Crimson Dreams Mati would make no exceptions.

The scent of a horse came to her, and then the normally comforting smell of her brother. Mati slowed, at the sight of the Knight atop the mustang in the distance and raised her head, nose to the sky, and let loose her own song. It was unfair, for all of them. But she knew that he could not go. She needed him now, and he would do more good to comfort her and to be comforted then to go off and be outnumber and killed. For this moment, there was nothing they could do.


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