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Word Count » 353 :: OOC: sorry for the delay <3

Elclipse followed Saul, keeping her eyes peeled for anything, even if they weren’t going to hunt it now. Their main target was by far larger than a rabbit, but who was to say a little fun couldn’t be had afterward? She had learned anything caught was put to stores for the winter so that they could survive it. Winter was not a concept the girl could understand, as she had been in the brunt end of it, but the snowstorm had told her a lot. Mostly that it was brutal and unkind.

“Well not here HERE, but I have seen one when I was looking for daddy, It chased me into a hole like he was the wolf and i was the rabbit.”

She said, she couldn’t look at her cousin when she mentioned anything of her being outside of the pack. It wasn’t all bad but it hadn’t all been good either. She lived a life that no one thought of and she was still only a pup. She became quiet as they neared the wood, a natural silence for she knew that their dinner would be around somewhere. She didn’t mind Saul taking the lead. He was the elder and more experienced. She had not hunted anything large often. So she was still not quite cut out for taking the lead of a hunt. She was quick though, so chasing was another story. She doubted being the brute strength of running up to the deer to grab at its throat would be possible for her, though she would do everything Saul told her and with as good of skills as she had at hand. She just had to play her own cards right. She watched him, and sniffed at the air then at the ground. Many prey andimals have been in and out of the forest, so it was a challange to distinguish the right smell she wanted. Still being new at the hunting game, she’d been chasing nearly what scent she could, figuring out what it was and if she should avoid it or not.

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